
Fantasy Facades 3D RPG Terrain by Bannerless Builds

Created by Bannerless Builds

Detailed, freestanding resin backdrops and scenery to bring your fantasy RPG or miniatures display to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 06:19:53 PM

Since the launch of the first Fantasy Facades campaign on Kickstarter, potential backers have said they like the product but they don't see themselves as artists. They would buy our sets, they'd say, if there was a painted option. 

We've been trying to make make this option possible. The issue is that we're a small team, and our designer Greg is the only one whose painting skills are good enough to sell. Time Greg spends painting orders is time he can't be handling other responsibilities for fulfilling orders. As a result, the only way we can offer this add-on is as a limited option with a premium price. 

Introducing Painted Level 1 and Painted Level 3. They are identical to the standard level 1 and level 3, except the Alchemist Shop, Counting House, General Store, Tavern, and Connector Kit come hand-painted. These two levels are limited to 5 backers each.

With the limited availability and less than 3 days left in the campaign, if you are interested in having your samples painted you need to act fast!

Don't Take Our Word For It...
about 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 08:13:27 AM

We sent some Fantasy Facades samples out in the wild to members of the RPG industry. The reviews are starting to come in. If you're sitting on the resin fence, you might find an outsider's take on our products helps you decide if Fantasy Facades are for you. 

Not only are they sharing kind words for us, they’ve also hooked us up with some amazing action shots, that we’re happy to share with you now.

Geek Dad's Ryan Hiller had this to say about the Fantasy Facade and 3D terrain samples he received:

"I’m excited to use my town set when it’s my turn again in the gamemaster throne. My players will be enjoying Sandpoint through the magic of Fantasy Facades! The Kickstarter is already funded and then some. There are just a few days left though, so hop on over there and get in on this great terrain. Your players will thank you!"

Photo by Ryan Hiller
Photo by Ryan Hiller
Photo by Ryan Hiller
Photo by Ryan Hiller

GeekDad is an award winning parenting, technology, and culture blog staffed by a diverse team of contributors, working together to inform, educate, and entertain parents everywhere who have a geeky nature and want to raise their kids the same way.

Innovative game group The Order of the Amber Die were really impressed with the painted samples we sent them:

The Order of the Amber Die is an association of Pathfinder players that plays published adventures as closely as possible to the author's original intent, with deviation only occurring for player decisions and actions. Consisting of the same GM and an active pool of between ten and fifteen players, the association has been active since 1987. To date, Order of the Amber Die has completed 148 published adventures across five editions of the game. Here are some amazing photos provided by the Order of the Amber Die using painted samples we sent them, as well as a review from their primary GM Adam Smith.  

Photo courtesy Order of the Amber Die
Photo courtesy Order of the Amber Die
Photo courtesy Order of the Amber Die
Photo courtesy Order of the Amber Die
Photo courtesy Order of the Amber Die
Photo courtesy Order of the Amber Die

Finally, B Simon Smith of Dungeon Masters & Storytellers likewise likes what we're putting out:

"The pieces are made of solid resin, and seem really durable, which is one trait I always look for when picking up miniatures or terrain, because I want it to be able to last handling and potential relocation. I feel like these pieces would be able to withstand some decent jostling, and more than a few drops onto a carpeted floor.  

"I'm really looking forward to using these in an upcoming game. Now to see how awesome they look after being painted..."

Photo courtesy Dungeon Masters & Storytellers
Photo courtesy Dungeon Masters & Storytellers
Photo courtesy Dungeon Masters & Storytellers
Photo courtesy Dungeon Masters & Storytellers

Dungeon Masters & Storytellers is a closed group where anyone who runs a game can freely discuss anything related to the games they're running. Their review can be found here, if you are a member of the closed group. If you aren’t a member, Dungeon Masters & Storytellers are associated with Assassin Games, who mirrored the Dungeon Masters & Storytellers review here

Have we missed any reviews? Share any other reviews you've seen in the comments! 

Fantasy Facades In Action
about 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 01:51:30 AM

A couple of significant things happened this weekend:  

1. We reached 200% of our goal! 

Not only is this a significant amount of money, but it’s also the goal for our original Kickstarter. We cancelled that campaign when it was clear we wouldn’t reach that goal and we needed to rework our numbers. Hitting that goal is a milestone for us, and we are so thankful for all of you backers and your enthusiasm! 

 2. Greg hosted a live tutorial about painting Fantasy Facades

He shows how easy it is to personalize your fantasy village and make it look great.   

This isn’t the only Fantasy Facades video we’ve posted recently, and it’s not the only Fantasy Facades painting tutorial to hit the Internet recently. If you’re a fan of the Stress Test on the Kickstarter page, you’ll be happy to know that we’ve continued the series on the Bannerless Builds YouTube channel

In Stress Test #2 - Game Table Hazards we see how well Fantasy Facades stand up to getting dice thrown at them, soda spilled on them, and rulebooks dropped near them.  
(if the 8 minute run time is a bit much for one sitting, it's broken down into three shorter videos on the Bannerless Builds Facebook page)

In Stress Test #3 – Melee, we up our destruction game by using hammers, bats, and more to try to put a dent into our alchemist shop.  

Finally, Elizabeth Beckley of Miniatures Monthly created a pictorial for painting a Fantasy Façade. A video tutorial is coming soon.  

There is more video content coming soon. If there's any way you'd like us to test what Fantasy Facades can withstand, or any other ways we can showcase how Bannerless Builds can change your tabletop experience, let us know!

about 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 07, 2018 at 03:25:22 PM

We are thrilled to announce that Fantasy Facades 3D terrain took the next step to being a reality. We are funded with 17 days left to go! 

You do not understand how much we appreciate all of your support in helping us reach our funding goal. The Bannerless Builds team invested a lot of our time, money, and enthusiasm into this project, so I think you can all understand how deflating it was when we had to cancel our first campaign. We took your feedback to heart and made sure we relaunched with the strongest campaign we could, but we were still worried. It's not like we launched the first campaign any less sure that it was as good as it could be. 

We have visions of changing the landscape of RPG tabletops, and believe me when I say those dreams needed your support to start coming true. From all of us at Bannerless Builds, thank you.