
Fantasy Facades 3D RPG Terrain by Bannerless Builds

Created by Bannerless Builds

Detailed, freestanding resin backdrops and scenery to bring your fantasy RPG or miniatures display to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 06:47:28 PM

It's official: The last pieces have been cast, packed, and addressed and are ready to be sent out to backers. That includes the unfortunately delayed Church Mega Facades and the labour-intensive painted samples. 

Here's a picture of Greg, the mind and hands behind this product, celebrating:

Thank you all for your support and patience. We are all gamers here, who appreciate Greg's creativity and innovative new products, and we were excited to share them with so many like-minded folks. 

We were pretty confident that the original delivery estimates were on point and even allowed us some flexibility, so you can understand how saddening and maddening it was for a few issues early on to compound into a significant delay. What was encouraging was how understanding you all were. Even when people reached out and expressed their issues, they did so politely and in a way that made it feel like we were working together towards  goal. 

Now that the Kickstarter is fulfilled, we can start looking to the future! Somebody wake up Greg.

Incoming Shipping Notifications
about 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 11:22:10 AM

As of minutes ago, Greg packed the remaining orders, to be shipped next week. After that, he has 7 mega facades left to cast, which he estimates will get done this week. If all goes according to plans, they too will ship out next week, maximum in two weeks, and this Kickstarter will be officially 100% fulfilled.


Good news Painted and Store backers!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 11:28:03 AM

Greg continues his productivity sprint to the finish line, painting Facades for backers that went in at that level. 

Greg's been busy

He still has 75 columns to paint before these orders are ready to ship, which is both a lot and not as many as it sounds since that job scales up well. 

Likewise, the Store tiers will be getting some love, with store and company logos to be laser etched onto the Facade windows. Several backers at this level never sent us their logos, however. At least one waved it, but if you are a backer at the Store level and are not sure if you sent us your logo, contact  info at bannerlessbuilds dot com.

Now you know,


Big Week Ahead
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 06:21:07 AM

This update is less about announcing big news and more to let you know that there should be big news in the next update. If all goes according to plans, that big news will be about the last of the Kickstarter orders shipping this week!

Our crack team loading the last Bannerless Builds shipments (photo courtesy The Order of the Amber Die)

This does still leave some delinquent Church Mega Facades, which will be shipped piece by piece.  

Expect another update later this week to confirm that everything went according to plans. Hopefully this felt like us ensuring our accountability as it was intended and less like a tease. 

Now you know, 


Update and Preview from Greg
over 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 12:56:15 PM

Greg, our designer and head of production, shared the latest happenings from the Bannerless Builds assembly line:

Current status:

  • 12 regular orders left to fulfill, I have sets for all of it and am in the process of casting the last bits on each. Currently the connectors and crates are what is left to cast.

After that it is 5 painted and store engraved orders left.

  • I have ordered more product but due to Labour Day the order got pushed back to next week, I got 15 gallons though which should allow us to get everything casted into the pre-orders. Once they come in I will be casting multiple megas per day to finish those off as well.
  • I have made some new moulds to help with the mass casting of connectors columns and crates, they have already been in use this morning.

Next week:

  • I will be trying to get through all remaining 12 orders for next week, if not I should be able to get through at least 8, leaving 4 that should be done by the end of the week or the following Monday.
  • The week after should see the very last of them as well as the painted orders going out (all of the should be finished by this weekend)

With fulfillment on the cusp of being completed, we will be opening the store (currently only accepting pre-orders) the week of Sept 16th. Additionally, we will be making a new product, detailed display stands for four miniatures called Party Plinths, available as well. 

Four party plinth designs
The same four Party Plinths, not at a dynamic angle!

Preorders will be fulfilled first, in the order they were placed. New orders will be fulfilled in the order they are placed.

Party Plinths will just be the first in a line of display pieces, and the first in our upcoming follow-up products. The next batch of new products can be expected in October.

Thank you all once again for your support and patience. Greg has bottled a lot of excitement and creative energy that he'd like to spend designing additional Bannerless Builds products in order to fulfill our Kickstarter. I can practically hear that bottle being uncorked with the final fulfillment so close at hand. 

Now you know, 
