
Fantasy Facades 3D RPG Terrain by Bannerless Builds

Created by Bannerless Builds

Detailed, freestanding resin backdrops and scenery to bring your fantasy RPG or miniatures display to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mega Facades Update
over 5 years ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2019 at 04:35:40 PM

As mentioned previously, the Church Mega Facades presented a unique challenge that caused a delay in their fulfillment. As an apology, we sent backers a coupon for additional items that would be shipped with their Mega Facades when they were ready. Unfortunately, some backers only received those coupons after they expired.

As of today, those coupon codes are once again valid, and will be until September 30th, 2019 at 11:59pm.

Also as of today, Church Mega Façades are shipping. If you are still waiting for your order, and your order includes a Church Mega Façade, your order will ship with a Church Mega Façade.

Now you know,

UPDATE! 85% fulfilled
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 02:08:57 PM

We hit a few important milestones with the last wave Greg shipped:

  • 85% of orders are fulfilled.
  • All Canadian orders are fulfilled.
  • All international orders are fulfilled. 

We are down to two waves of standard US orders to fulfill. Once they are done, we will fulfill the game store orders with the custom facades, and any orders with the painted option. In the meantime, Greg is churning out the Church Mega Facades for delivery following fulfillment of all other orders. If you are waiting on your Church Mega Facade, remember that you have a coupon that allows you to wave the shipping on any items we ship with your Church Mega Facade. That coupon is only good until your Church Mega Facade ships. 

Thank you all once again for your patience.Fulfillment has taken longer than calculated, but we have never stopped progressing towards our goal. We just need to contain our excitement that the goal line is in sight, because the last thing we want to do is drop the ball now. 

That's an overt sports metaphor and a stealth GI Joe reference. 

Now you know, 


70% Fulfilled!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 02:13:47 PM

Round the clock, Greg's work table has been full of moulds, and those moulds have been full of resin as fulfillment continues! 

We have fulfilled 70% of our orders! Also, you can see the progress Greg is making on the Church Mega Facades. 

For those who are still waiting on their order, thank you for your patience. For those who have received theirs, let us and the tabletop world know how you feel about your Fantasy Facades on our Facebook page.

Now you know,


Fulfillment At 20 Percent!
over 5 years ago – Fri, May 31, 2019 at 11:39:33 AM

I got the latest update from Greg and we are happy to announce that 20% of orders have been fulfilled. 

There's not much more to say other than we continue to fulfill orders, so if you haven't received yours yet, keep an eye open for a shipping notification. To make up for this update's low word count, enjoy a couple of pictures of our warehouse and Greg in fulfillment mode. 

Produced products wait in boxes to be filled into boxes and then shipped to backers.
Produced products wait in boxes to be filled into boxes and then shipped to backers.
Greg mixes resin for his next pour while his last pour settles in its mould. In the foreground, you can see the progress he's made on the Church Mega Facades.
Greg mixes resin for his next pour while his last pour settles in its mould. In the foreground, you can see the progress he's made on the Church Mega Facades.

Fulfillment has begun!
over 5 years ago – Thu, May 16, 2019 at 06:04:07 PM



As of today, fulfillment has started. Greg spent the week packing hundreds of items, which he shipped out today. We'll be fulfilling our highest backers (after add-ons) first, so the first few weeks of fulfillment will only cover a small percentage of our backers. As he goes down the list, the same number of items packed will represent a greater number of backers fulfilled. 

If you are in the top 10% of backers, check for your e-mail and junk folder for your shipping notification. If you are near the top and need to change your shipping address, DO IT NOW! 

We are thrilled to have reached this point in our project and look forward to seeing our products in your hands and on your gaming tables soon!
